Results for 'Henri Paul Pierre Gooren'

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  1.  44
    L'atelier d'Eduardo Arryo: Le carré blanc du ring.Eduardo Arroyo, Armelle Auris, François Boissonnet, Paul Henry, Pierre-Jean Labarriere & Matieu - 1993 - Rue Descartes 7:149-168.
    Eduardo Arroyo, Armelle Auris, François Boissonnet, Paul HENRY, Pierre-Jean LABARRIERE, MATIEU, Gilles AILLAUD, Gérad THALMANN, Nicole MATHIEU, Jacques VIMARD, Michel QUAREZ, Leonardo CREMONINI, L'atelier d'Eduardo Arryo: Le carré blanc du ring, Rue Descartes, No. 7, Logiques de l'éthique (Juin 1993), pp. 149-168.
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    Nouvelles approches philosophiques.Yves Charles Zarka, Paul Audi, Ali Benmakhlouf, Jocelyn Benoist, Marc Crépon, Franck Fischbach, Tristan Garcia, Frédéric Gros, Bruno Karsenti, Hélène L'Heuillet, Guillaume Le Blanc, Corine Pelluchon, Charles Ramond, Pierre-Henri Tavoillot & Pierre Zaoui - 2013 - Cités 56 (4):133.
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    Ethics Committees in Western and Central Africa: Concrete Foundations.Pierre Effa, Achille Massougbodji, Francine Ntoumi, François Hirsch, Henri Debois, Marissa Vicari, Assetou Derme, Jacques Ndemanga-Kamoune, Joseph Nguembo, Benido Impouma, Jean-Paul Akué, Armand Ehouman, Alioune Dieye & Wen Kilama - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (3):136-142.
    The involvement of developing countries in international clinical trials is necessary for the development of appropriate medicines for local populations. However, the absence of appropriate structures for ethical review represents a barrier for certain countries. Currently there is very little information available on existing structures dedicated to ethics in western and central Africa. This article briefly describes historical milestones in the development of networks dedicated to capacity building in ethical review in these regions and outlines the major conclusions of two (...)
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    Analyses et comptes rendus.Johan Heilbron, Giovanni Minozzi, Roselyne Dégremont, Patrick Cerutti, Stanislas Deprez, Jean-Marc Durand-Gasselin, Jacques Hospied, Jean-Pierre Richard, Vincent Houillon, Jean-Hugues Barthélémy, Henri Dilberman, Stéphane Finetti, Frédéric Cossutta, Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod, Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron, Benoît Donnet, Sylvain Camilleri, Paul Slama, Jacques Bergues, Jean-François Aenishanslin, Éric Blondel, Georges Chapouthier, Michel Kail & Francis Guibal - 2024 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 149 (3):395-450.
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    The dictionary of seventeenth and eighteenth-century Dutch philosophers.Wiep van Bunge, Henri Krop, Bart Leeuwenburgh, Han van Ruler, Paul Schuurman & Michiel Wielema (eds.) - 2003 - Bristol: Thoemmes Press.
    In this "Dictionary," more than four hundred biographical entries encompass all the Dutch thinkers who exercised a major influence on the intellectual life of the Golden Age, as well as those who developed their ideas and beliefs through interaction with other scholars. Additional entries describe foreign philosophers who lived in the country temporarily and whose work was influenced by their stay. These include John Locke, Rene Descartes and Pierre Bayle.
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    A Semiotic Comparison of the Postmodern Theology of Charles Peirce, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and Paul Tillich.Charls Pearson & Henry M. Lee - 1998 - Semiotics 23:336-352.
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    Paul Thiry d'Holbach et la philosophie scientifique au XVIIIe siècle.Pierre Naville - 1943 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
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    Présentation du n° 56 de la revue Langue française – 1982.Henri Meschonnic - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte est paru originellement dans le n° 56 de la revue Langue française, Paris, Armand Colin, 1982. Il constitue l'introduction d'un dossier tout à fait remarquable intitulé « le rythme et le discours » et comprenant, outre un article de Meschonnic lui-même, un entretien avec Antoine Vitez et des textes de Pierre David, Jacques Réda, Michel Deguy, Michel de Fornel, Christian Hervé et Paul (...) - Linguistique et théorie du langage.
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    Les usages de la preuve d'Henri Estienne à Jeremy Bentham.Jean-Pierre Schandeler & Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Hermann.
    Sous l'Ancien Regime, les champs semantiques de la preuve sont aussi complexes et plastiques que ses usages. La notion circule et innerve des pratiques tres diverses, parfois de maniere inattendue. La plaidoirie ou le requisitoire reorganisent les faits, creant des fables qui s'eloignent quelquefois de la realite et qui tendent a transformer la verite en mensonge et le mensonge en verite. Ces ressorts sont aussi ceux de la fiction qui exploite toutes les ressources de la probation ou preuve et signe (...)
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  10.  61
    Pascal e Nietzsche (review).Paul T. Fuhrmann - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):125-125.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 125 to such a future contingent event, not only does such an event not exist now, it does not even exist in its causes now, and this for the reason that no sufficient causes of the event exist now. Accordingly, if someone were merely to make a guess to the effect that the sea-fight will occur tomorrow, and the fight actually does occur, it still could not (...)
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    Crises of Memory and the Second World War.Patrick Gerard Henry - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (1):204-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Crises of Memory and the Second World WarPatrick HenryCrises of Memory and the Second World War, by Susan Rubin Suleiman; x & 286 pp. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006. $29.95.This excellent study deals widely and deeply with the crises of memory and World War II but generally focuses on France, Vichy and the Holocaust. The author defines a crisis of memory as "a moment of choice and sometimes (...)
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    The relationship between the physical and the moral in man.Pierre Maine de Biran - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Darian Meacham & Joseph Spadola.
    Frequently referred to as the 'French Kant', Maine de Biran was dubbed the greatest metaphysician to have been produced in France since Descartes and Malebranche by Henri Bergson, indicating the huge impact that Biran's work had during the nineteenth century and beyond. His philosophical vocabulary and key conceptual distinctions still play an undeniably central role in contemporary continental philosophy. This volume situates Biran within the development of modern French, German and British philosophy and illustrates the deep influence he had (...)
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  13.  21
    Paul Henry (1906-1984).Richard H. Popkin - 1985 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 23 (3):453-453.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 453 PAUL HENRY (19o6-1984) Paul Henry was a renowned scholar of Plotinus and Neo-Platonism. Born in Louvain, the son of a chemistry professor at the university there, he was sent to school in England during World War I. He then returned to Belgium, and studied philosophy and theology at Louvain, and joined the Society of Jesus. He did further studies in Paris in Middle Eastern (...)
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  14.  83
    Paul Henry, SJ.Paul Henry - 1959 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:43-44.
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    Cognizione e democrazia: le metamorfosi in atto: letture da Martin Buber, Cornelius Castoriadis, Noam Chomsky, Isabel Compiègne, Ronald Creagh, Mireille Delmas-Marty, Viviane Forrester, Yves Lacroix, Serge Latouche, Gotthold Lessing, Ernst Mach, Armand Mattelart, Edgar Morin, Luigina Mortari, Giorgio Napolitano, Pierre Rosanvallon, Lucien Sève, Susan Sontag, Henry Thoreau, Dmitri Uznadze, Paul Valéry, Simone Weil, Wilhelm Wundt.Paolo Calegari - 2012 - Napoli: Liguori.
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  16.  45
    Plotini Opera.Paul Henry & Hans-Rudolf Schwyzer - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (4):622-622.
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  17. Plotinus I. Enneades I-Iii Cum Vita Porphyrii.Paul Henry & Hans-Rudolph Schwyzer (eds.) - 1964 - Clarendon Press.
    Plotinus I. Enneades I-III cum vita Porphyrii.
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  18.  10
    Darwin et le « transformisme des auteurs classiques ».Henri-Paul Cunningham - 1994 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 50 (2):389-413.
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    Hegel et la finalité naturelle chez Aristote.Henri-Paul Cunningham - 1981 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 37 (3):283-294.
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    La Métaphysique Aristotélicienne et son Sosie Cartésien.Henri-Paul Cunningham - 1993 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 9:97-112.
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  21. Études plotiniennes. II : Les manuscrits des Ennéades.Paul Henry - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143:482-482.
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  22. La mystique trinitaire du Bx Jean Ruusbroec.Paul Henry - 1953 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 41 (1):51.
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    Plotin et l'Occident: Firmicus Maternus, Marius Victorinus, Saint Augustin et Macrobe.Paul Henry - 1934 - Peeters.
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  24. Plotin et l'Occident.Paul Henry - 1934 - Louvain,: "Spicilegium Sacrum Lovaniense" Bureaux.
  25.  8
    Plotinus Iii. Ennead Vi.Paul Henry & Hans-Rudolph Schwyzer (eds.) - 1964 - Clarendon Press.
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    The Path to Transcendence: From Philosophy to Mysticism in Saint Augustine.Paul Henry - 1981 - Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    Pittsburgh Theological Monograph Series General Editor - Dikran Y. Hadidian.
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    La vision dO̓stie: sa place dans la vie et lœ̓uvre de saint Augustin.Paul Henry - 1938 - J. Vrin.
  28.  9
    Plotinus Ii. Enneades Iv Et V.Paul Henry & Hans-Rudolph Schwyzer (eds.) - 1977 - Clarendon Press.
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  29.  35
    Notes.Paul Henry - 1959 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:27-42.
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    L'activité signifiante de la nature.Henri-Paul Cunningham - 1996 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 52 (2):365-380.
  31.  22
    Le Beau et L’Utile.Henri-Paul Francfort, Sophie A. de Beaune, Jochen Hoock, Laurent Baridon & Vincent Bontems - 2012 - Revue de Synthèse 133 (4):597-615.
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    Philosophy and Mysticism in the Confessions of St. Augustine.Paul Henry - 1961 - Philosophy Today 5 (4):242.
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    Augustine on Personality.Paul Henry - 1959 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:1-26.
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    Saint Augustine on personality.Paul Henry - 1960 - Macmillan.
  35. The Oral Teaching of Plotinus.Paul Henry - 1982 - Dionysius 6:4-12.
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    : Introduction: Why is understanding the development of reasoning important?Henry Markovits & Pierre Barrouillet - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (2):113-121.
  37. (1 other version)Plotini Opera. Tomus I : Porphyrii Vita Plotini, Enneades I-III.Paul Henry & Hans-Rudolf Schwyzer - 1951 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 141:457-458.
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    Recherches sur la Preparation Evangelique d'Eusebe et l'edition perdue des oeuvres de Plotin publiee par Eustochius.Paul Henry - 1936 - Philosophical Review 45:631.
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    Langage et réalité.Henri-Paul Cunningham - 1984 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 40 (1):57-70.
  40. L'art et l'intuition intellectuelle.Henri-Paul Bergeron - 1968 - Montréal,: Fides.
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  41. Plotin et l'Occident.Paul Henry - 1935 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 42 (4):11-12.
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    Le problème de la liberté chez Plotin.Paul Henry - 1931 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 33 (29):50-79.
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    Apories orales de Plotin sur les Catégories d’Aristote.Paul Henry - 1985 - In Vivian Nutton, Jutta Kolesh, H. J. Lulofs & Jürgen Wiesner (eds.), Kommentierung, Überlieferung, Nachleben. De Gruyter. pp. 120-156.
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  44. Wittgenstein and Contemporary Theories of Language.Paul Henry & Arild Utaker - 1992 - The University of Bergen.
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  45.  13
    Le mauvais outil: langue, sujet et discours.Paul Henry & Oswald Ducrot - 1977 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Ce que l'on dit, c'est du langage si c'est dans la langue. A ce prix, la linguistique peut exister, instituant une partition entre l'agrammatical et le correct qui assujetit la langue. La linguistique n'est pourtant pas au bout de ses peines : les rapports du langage a l'inconscient et aux ideologies font toujours retour pour venir defaire les systemes etablis. La linguistique tente de masquer ces failles en usant de subterfuges : elle fait du langage un outil prompt a se (...)
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  46. Introduction: Why is understanding the development of reasoning important?Professor Henry Markovits & Pierre Barrouillet - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (2):113 – 121.
  47.  18
    Plotini Opera, tom. II, Enneades IV-V.George Leonidas Koniaris, Paul Henry & Hans-Rudolf Schwyzer - 1979 - American Journal of Philology 100 (3):433.
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    Bloomfield, the logical positivist.Henry Hiż & Pierre Swiggers - 1990 - Semiotica 79 (3-4):257-270.
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  49. Bulletin de Bibliographie Spinoziste XXX: revue critique des études spinozistes pour l'année 2007.Henri Laux & Pierre-François Moreau - 2008 - Archives de Philosophie 71 (4):689-716.
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  50. Le mauvais outil. Langue, sujet et discours, coll. « Horizons du langage ».Paul Henry - 1978 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 168 (3):380-380.
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